Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This Week’s Neighborhood Hero (Part 1 of a 1 part series)

I was thinking of starting a new series called Neighborhood Hero of the Week (NHOTW).  The plan is to devote a post every week for a full… well, week probably, to one of my dear neighbors who goes above and beyond what’s required of him/her to become ex-communicated from the pack.  As self-appointed neighborhood liaison (I haven’t informed the other neighbors yet), I feel it is my duty to exploit their failures for my own personal gain… or something along those lines.

This week’s Neighborhood Hero goes out to my kitty-corner neighbor Jim.  His name might not be Jim, but he looks like he could probably be a Jim.  Or maybe a Gary… On second thought, definitely a Jim.  I haven’t officially met Jim yet, but I have studied him from my third floor bedroom window in a totally law abiding, non-pervy fashion.

Jim is a selfless family man, a great pumpkin carver, a huge fan of driveway concerts (read: blaster of really shitty yet catchy music from his truck’s inadequate, rattling speakers), and even played a hand in establishing the community’s first ongoing sawmill project in his very own garage.  I know, keeper!   Now normally, I’m a huge fan of sawmills; the smell of fresh lumber, the abundance of sawdust, the possibility of being witness to a missing finger Easter-egg-style hunt!  What’s not to love!?  But this one is different, mainly because the festivities don’t kick off until sometime after sunset, right when I’m settling in for a little Californication rerun action, and it doesn’t smell good, nor are there missing fingers, ever.  So really, it’s just loud.   Really, really, loud.  And for that, Jim receives this week’s Neighborhood Hero Award.  Congratulations Jim, keep up the good work!

Next week's contenders:  Neighbors across the street who leave passive aggressive notes about our parking on our windshields?  Or maybe side neighbors who get drunk, argue, howl with their dogs, and paint abhorrently large chunks of their roof right outside our living room windows white?  Decisions, decisions...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Giraffe Facts for Potential Pet Owners

Sure, I'd be happy to share some giraffe facts with you!

Very little is known about these majestic creatures, but after many years of tireless research and countless hours spent digging through the archives, I've managed to scrounge together a small assortment of facts about our spotted co-inhabitants.

Giraffes are:

  • Not afraid to pee in public,
  • A great fashion accessory,
  • Perfectly designed for indoor-domestication,
  • Taller than Humans but shorter than a Boeing 767-300,
  • Ideal for making lampshades out of (roughly 7 shades per square meter of giraffe hide),
  • Less scary to encounter in an abandoned warehouse than dogs in the event of a zombie apocalypse, and ...
  • Are semi-officially rated 7.4 Denzels (dnzls) of awesomeness,
    • To put it into perspective, my roomate's sickly pomeranian gets 0.3dnzls while the Kraken (Post Release) from Clash of the Titans gets 9.8dnzls.
    • I've created a diagram (below) to help illustrate this.

Ok, fair enough, so maybe these "facts" sound more like "opinions"... and maybe these "opinions" aren't technically recognized by the scientific community just yet.  But!  Give it time, they'll give in, and when they do you'll have the privilege of telling all your friends you knew them first.  You're welcome.

For more info...
Giraffe Facts on the go

Friday, November 11, 2011

Finally! An Update!

Hello peoples of the internet, long time no see.  How've you been?  I've been well, thanks.  Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, it's time to get down to business.  And first order of business is... an update!

10 months; 15 more countries; 37,738 miles by air, bus, sailboat, and foot (6.3 more of these and I'm at the moon baby!); and I still haven't figured out how to use semi-colons properly.

I finished my globe trotting almost a month and a half ago, but was so caught up with incredibly time consuming, civilization altering decisions (like how to heterosexually accessorize my devil costume for Halloween) that I didn't get around to updating this mal-polished turd.  So, my deepest apologies goes out to all 7 of you out there who might actually read/skim over this :)

After doing Kilimanjaro in early August, my travels took me back through Kenya where I taught English, Math, and Science at a couple of Kibera's primary schools for a few weeks.  By the end of August, I found myself in London and on my way to Cardiff, Wales to visit the gal I met in Australia, trekked with in Nepal, and subsequently worked and traveled with in Kenya.  From Wales, I made my way back through London, under the English Channel, through Paris, across Belgium, and up into Holland for my final few weeks in Europe.  My camera rarely came out of hibernation for the last month or so of my trip to take pictures, but I'll toss up the ones I managed to snap below.

So that leads me to my new life back in America.  I've semi-officially settled into Tampa, Florida and am being enlightened to the weirdness of the city each and every day.  It's a lot like slowly cranking up the juice on one of those adjustable brightness lights in a dark living room, only this light is in an abandoned industrial complex and the joint is filled with shoe-licking teenagers, old men dressed in women's lingerie, and neighbors who howl with their semi crippled dog on their porch.  But more on those later!

- Final pictures from the trip -

St. Juliet's Education Center - Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya

Annabel after the hill
I wasn't nearly as alright with the whole running situation as she
How Real Men tame lions!
- With a sledgehammer and some tongs -

Uitmarkt - Amsterdam
The Hague

Mauritshuis Art Gallery
Family roots.  Can't wait to see the rest.

Back in Amsterdam
Dam Square - Amsterdam

Don't be an asshole.
Canal outside the hostel
 Back in America
Sorry we were late picking you up from the airport Curt,
Dave and I were stuck in traffic...
Been a while since I'd seen a California sunset
... or a pretty intense workout :)
The only small dog I've ever grown fond of
Sunset from Griffith Observatory

Los Angeles (and a chunk of my finger)

Well dudes, that's it for the trip.  I had a blast, met some really amazing people, saw some nifty stuff, and definitely can't wait for the next one.  In the meantime, I've got Tampa to keep me busy.  And right now, it smells like my meatballs are burning, so I'll get some more posts up later.

P.S.  Oh, and sorry about the carbon emissions GreenPeace.  I'll plant a shrub tomorrow, promise.